What to do if FedEx says they delivered but no package?

 If you've ever had a package delivered to your house and the delivery company says it was delivered but no one has seen it, don't worry! We're here to help.

Here are some quick tips on what you should do if you think that your package was stolen or accidentally misplaced:

- Contact FedEx Customer Service Team, who can oversee and investigate your claim. 

- Check with the carrier or a local store or neighbor if they have seen your package.

Things to do in case of loss

If you have no idea what happened to your package, you should still consider filing a police report with the local police department and also contact FedEx Customer Service Team. This might help to secure compensation for your suffering. 

If your package has been lost by the carrier, you can file a claim with the carrier. The carrier will then investigate the loss and compensate you for it if necessary.

In case your package is stolen, you should contact Fedex Customer Service Team. You can also contact local post office department to report the theft and see if you can get some compensation for your suffering.

You are paying for insurance for this service and it is unfair that the services are not being utilized in the right way. This can also create problems for other customers that are waiting for their packages. 

If you or someone you know has ever experienced the same situation, you should consider giving your feedback about the problem and so maybe it can be potentially solved in case another person is waiting for their package and it never shows up. 

Related: FedEx Package Available for Clearance Means


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